Practice & Fee

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Practice Areas

Our solicitors each specialise in one area of law. Their focus gives

them extensive knowledge and experience. They are all

experts in their fields.


Family Law

From pre-nuptials, divorce, financial settlements, custody, access and international child abduction, to injunctions to stop domestic abuse, representation in care proceedings, adoption and surrogacy. Our family law team has the expert to help you.


Public Law & Human Rights

From challenging government and multi-nationals, suing for damages, combatting modern slavery, and helping victims of trafficking, to community care advice, actions against the police, and inquests. Our public law team has the expert to help you.


Immigration Law

From personal, family, and business immigration advice on all visa and citizenship types, to representation at appeals, against deportation and detention. Applications for asylum, challenges to government policy, and national security cases. Our immigration law team has the expert to help you.

Our fees

An affordable firm who provide a good and

efficient service to their clients

Private Clients

We understand that the cost of legal services is an important consideration for our private clients. We offer a range of competitive hourly rates for you to chose from and fixed fees can be agreed where appropriate.

Legal Aid

We have contracts with the Legal Aid Agency to provide publicly funded legal aid to those on low incomes in certain specified areas of law. Legal aid is subject to a means and merits test and our capacity to take on legal aid cases is limited.

Business & Charities

We are able to offer highly competitive fees to business, charities, local authorities and non-governmental organisations. We do not have the high overheads of many traditional commercial law firms but offer the same level of expertise and service.

Immigration Fees

Our fees for immigration advice and representation are published in detail on our website to comply with transparency rules set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Practice & Fee

You are here: / Home / Practice & Fee

Practice Areas

Our solicitors each specialise in one area of law. Their focus gives them extensive knowledge and experience. They are all

experts in their fields.


Family Law

From pre-nuptials, divorce, financial settlements, custody, access and international child abduction, to injunctions to stop domestic abuse, representation in care proceedings, adoption and surrogacy. Our family law team has the expert to help you.


Public Law & Human Rights

From challenging government and multi-nationals, suing for damages, combatting modern slavery, and helping victims of trafficking, to community care advice, actions against the police, and inquests. Our public law team has the expert to help you.


Immigration Law

From personal, family, and business immigration advice on all visa and citizenship types, to representation at appeals, against deportation and detention. Applications for asylum, challenges to government policy, and national security cases. Our immigration law team has the expert to help you.

Our fees

An affordable firm who provide a good and

efficient service to their clients

Private Clients

We understand that the cost of legal services is an important consideration for our private clients. We offer a range of competitive hourly rates for you to chose from and fixed fees can be agreed where appropriate.

Legal Aid

We have contracts with the Legal Aid Agency to provide publicly funded legal aid to those on low incomes in certain specified areas of law. Legal aid is subject to a means and merits test and our capacity to take on legal aid cases is limited.

Business & Charities

We are able to offer highly competitive fees to business, charities, local authorities and non-governmental organisations. We do not have the high overheads of many traditional commercial law firms but offer the same level of expertise and service.

Immigration Fees

Our fees for immigration advice and representation are published in detail on our website to comply with transparency rules set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Magna Carta

Magna Carta Solicitors jewel of a firm with outstanding lawyers who are entirely committed to their work

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Practice & Fee


Contact Us

Head Office Address

214 Parkhurst Road, London,

England, E12 5QY

Phone: +44-7713-166-131

Magna Carta


Magna Carta Solicitors jewel of a firm with outstanding lawyers who are entirely committed to their work

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Practice & Fee


Contact Us

Head Office Address

214 Parkhurst Road, London,

England, E12 5QY

Phone: +44-7713-166-131

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